Attention: Is Your Relationship Painful ?

Do You Ever Feel Empty, Misunderstood and Even Hurt in Your Relationship?

Do You Ever Express Your Needs and Emotions and Feel They Do Not Get the Consideration You Would Like… or Maybe Sometimes Your Feelings Seem to Get
Swept Under the Rug? Do Your Conflicts Sometimes Lead to the Same End…
a Temporary Hollow Truce That Leaves YouRight Back Where You Were?

Ineffective, unhealthy and broken relationship patterns can drain your energy, affect intimacy, and even lead to feelings of hopelessness. Hopelessness happens when expectations are diminished, denied, or even extinguished.

Why Are Relationships Painful?

You might be experiencing some or all of these feelings. And unless you and your partner can learn how to change your cycle, your relationship will stay the same. You will continue to feel alienated in relationships (romantic or not) until you focus on the core problem: the need to feel safe in relationships.

Because we seek to self-protect, our adult relationships are often built on a defense mode and this is emotionally unhealthy.

  • We dismiss each other’s emotions.
  • ​We might disapprove of each other’s feelings.
  • ​We see emotions and feelings as weakness.
  • ​​People who display emotions might be called sensitive. 
  • We fail to develop true intimacy with one another.
  • ​People are told how they should and shouldn’t feel.
  • We can have a difficult time considering the emotional needs of others and feel like no one considers ours either. 

In fact, We Hurt Because of Our Beliefs About Love.

This is not your fault.
Most of us have learned our relationship communication behaviors starting as we were learning to walk and talk. Our keen minds were observing every nuance and listening to every word from the relationship examples in our world.
And most of us did not have perfect relationship role models.  

Your Subconscious Learned Definition of Love is 
No Doubt Sabotaging Every Relationship You Have

As a child, you got the first taste of love from how you felt in your relationship with your parents. If your life growing up felt chaotic, or you experienced frequent conflict and deception, it's likely that your subconscious mind has adopted those experiences as part of its definition of love.
On a conscious level, you may think you’re attracted to partners who make you feel good, but your subconscious mind is actually attracted to people who fit your subconscious definition of love, even if that definition is setting you up for pain. So this is how it works: if love equals home and home equals abandonment, then love equals abandonment. As a result, you may find yourself attracted to partners who also create a feeling of chaos, confusion, and loneliness. I know people suffer because of the many misconceptions they have about love. Because of this, we often think that we are loving when we are, in fact, not being loving. Love isn't about compromising or sacrificing.
It isn't selfless, and it's not about approval. It can't be love if parts of you are rejected, even if it's good to hear, "I love you even though you are [difficult/an addict/fat/thin/and so on]."

The Great News: 
You Can Have Amazing Relationships… 
Free of the Hurtful Patterns that Left You In Pain  

I discovered that when you learn how to drop the conditioning of what you know about relationships, you can re-frame your relationships through the lens of a newly earned awareness.You can have amazing relationships by changing the way you think about love.

I found that by linking your past experiences and your current beliefs about love, you can then break the patterns of your relationship behaviors and feel: heard, understood, loved, cherished and safe!

I am Teal Swan,

Being born with a range of extrasensory abilities, I was targeted and became a victim of abuse. 

However, without the abuse and suffering I experienced, I would be someone who could give you a lot of esoteric information about the universe at large, but who would have no real grasp on the reality of human suffering or how to heal. I would have only had half of the picture of human existence.

And so, you will discover why your relationships have been painful in the past and why it has been hard for you to connect with others.

Now I have packaged this ultimate collection of exclusive teachings on love, compatibility, and connection guides for you to achieve better relationships of every kind…

For You:
 Teal’s Relationship Vault 

This is so easy…

You simply watch, learn, and apply Teal’s gifted wisdom. Login to your Relationship Vault member area.
Pick a topic that speaks to you that day. Watch the content, follow the simple directions, 
grow and develop relationship skills, and watch your connections blossom.
Identify your toxic relationship patterns and learn how to change them
See your fears and traumas in a new light and become more in tune with your emotions and desires
Understand why partners and others in your life act “baffling” and what you can do about it
Experience teachings that increase your awareness so you can become a vibrational match for fulfilling and lasting relationships
Learn how to spot incompatibility so you’ll never find yourself in relationships with people, who push you away, shame or reject you for who you are
Identify red flags in relationships so you can avoid entering toxic dynamics, including mates that are not right for you.
Learn the why behind feeling stuck in relationships that make you miserable so you can breathe free again
Discover how to heal past wounds so you can heal your present and future relationships
Become honest with yourself about your internal truth, including your personal preferences, feelings, thoughts, wants, needs, and dislikes

follow the roadmap

Relationships are hard. Anyone who's been in one knows that relationships takes work. There are countless books and articles on the subject, but knowing where to begin is difficult. That's where the Relationship Vault comes in.

The relationship vault a curated collection of the best advice on relationships, organized in an easy-to-view way. Whether you're having trouble with (in)compatibility, boundaries, attracting a mate, understanding your partner's behavior or something else, you'll find what you're looking for in the Relationship Vault.

And because the relationship vault is organized so well, you won't have to sift through thousands of videos to find the advice you need.

Includes a Peer of support

As a Relationship Vault member you are going to have access to a lot of exclusive relationship content that you won't find on YouTube. And you will have the opportunity to connect with other members who are going through the same thing as you.

You will be able to reach out any time in our private Facebook community. There, you'll find people who understand what you're going through and who can offer guidance and advice. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of content is in the Relationship Vault?

Teal's exclusive teachings on relationships. Use this wealth of relationship advice to identify and break through toxic relationship patterns, heal trauma and begin to manifest deep, meaningful connections.
It contains teachings shared with live audiences during Synchronization workshops, live Q&A events, interviews and podcasts, mirror events, and more.
Here are some examples of what's inside:
Will this help me attract compatible partners?
Yes. Watching the content in the Relationships Vault will help you become a vibrational match to better, more compatible partners. This exclusive content is focused on helping you identify the ways in which you have been attracting unfit mates so you can become aware of the red flags even before you enter a relationship.
Sometimes it is enough to just watch the content to experience a shift that throws light on a relationship pattern that has made you a match for painful relationships. To experience significant breakthroughs in solving relationships trauma (romantic or not), it is important to do the inner work necessary to integrate that shift in your current reality.
Will this help me learn about improving family relationships?

Yes, the content in the Relationships Vault is aimed at improving every type of relationship you have, and this includes your family, siblings, co-workers, romantic partners and every human in the universe.
When you take the time to really understand how relationships work, you will be able to improve every single one that you are in: from the most casual of acquaintanceships to the closest of familial bonds, every relationship in your life will blossom when you put in the effort to understand what makes them, and you, tick.

Will this work for me if I am already in a relationship?

Yes, the content in the Relationships Vault will help strengthen your relationship by helping you become clearer and more confident in communicating the relationship needs that youyou do have.
One of the reasons we tend to suffer in relationships is that we feel so much shame for our personal truth. We are so thirsty for love that we are willing to hide our truth. But the truth comes out, as it always does, in subconscious ways.
We send mixed messages constantly and other people start to guess at our truth even when we deny it. But what we have to see is that we are setting ourselves up by doing this. We are also setting other people up. We are setting ourselves up to be loved for a mask, not for who we really are. And because they agreed to the mask, when we remove it, they will feel duped and may reject who we really are.
We are also setting them up because they are agreeing to a relationship and assessing compatibility based on something false. They can't discern incompatibility if we are leading them to believe we are compatible with them when we are not.

How is this different from other relationship advice?

Relationships are hard. Anyone who's been in one knows that it takes a lot of work to make it last. So here how the Relationship Vaults Healing helps:
1. You get a roadmap. 

There are countless books and articles on the subject of human connection and relationships, but sometimes it's hard to know where to start. With the Vault you have a roadmap to guide you through the critical elements of developing better relationships.
2. You don't have to hide who you are. 

Most common relationship advice preaches about independence and self-reliance, but that is another symptom of the root problem. Not feeling safe enough in your relationships to show yourself as who you are. The content in the Relationships Vault teaches you about your personal truth, your subconscious definition of love and how it has been influencing all of your relationships so far. By guiding you through integrating trauma and gaining awareness of what love really is, you will be able to develop healthier relationships without losing who you are. And that is the essence of feeling safe in a relationship.
I already have a Premium membership, how is this different?

If you're a Premium member we want to thank you for joining our community of inner work enthusiasts. It's a special place to be if you're someone interested in your personal growth and spiritual practices.
However, the Relationships Vault is a bit different to Teal Premium.
It contains teachings shared with live audiences during Synchronization workshops, live Q&A events, interviews and podcasts, mirror events, and more. The Vault is a curated collection of the best advice on relationships, organized in an easy-to-view way. Whether you're having trouble with (in)compatibility, boundaries, attracting a mate, understanding your partner's behavior or something else, you'll find what you're looking for in the Relationships Vault. And because it's organized so well, you won't have to sift through thousands of videos to find the advice you need.
Plus, you're getting lifetime access to all of Teal's relationships advice, including any future content.

Can I find this information for free?

You can find some bits and pieces of this on Teal's YouTube channel, but it does not include a roadmap, exclusive, in-depth content such as Q&As, Synchronization events and more, or lifetime access to all upcoming content. There's also a private Facebook group where you can come to find guidance and support in regards to all of your relationship questions.

Is this a one-time payment or a recurring subscription?

You can unlock the Relationships Vault with a one-time payment of $399. 
This means you'll get lifetime updates at no extra cost.
Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes, you can try out the Relationships Vault risk free for 5 days. If for any reason you are not ecstatic about with Teal’s Relationship Vault, just contact us and we'll refund your money.

You Can Live a Happy and Fulfilled Life in Your Relationship

Do you remember what your imagined vision of a loving romantic relationship was when you were starting out in life?
· Was your vision derived from your favorite romantic book or movie?
· Did you imagine ‘happily ever after?’
· How about your expectations when you began your current relationship?
· How does your relationship stack up now to those visions and expectations?
While some of those early ideas might not have been completely realistic, chances are your relationship has fallen short of your even minimal expectations.

Teal is the creator of the popular "Ask Teal" YouTube series, author of six internationally published books, and the artist of hundreds of frequency paintings.

TEAL SWAN's mission is the transformation of human suffering to an empowered and authentic life.

Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

Teal Swan is an international speaker and teacher committed to surmounting human suffering. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.
She is the creator of the popular "Ask Teal" YouTube series, author of six internationally published books, and the artist of hundreds of frequency paintings.

In conjunction with her vision of creating positive world change, Teal Swan founded HEADWAY FOUNDATION, a nonprofit company that enables ideas, goals, and ventures that are aimed at positive world change.

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Unlock Lifetime Access to All of Teal’s 
Relationships Teachings.

Start your journey towards healthier relationships today.

· You will:

 Identify your toxic relationship patterns and learn how to change them
· See your fears and traumas in a new light and become more in tune with your emotions and desires
· Understand why partners and others in your life act “baffling” and see their behavior motivators.
· Experience teachings that increase your awareness so you can become a vibrational match for fulfilling and lasting 
· Learn how to spot incompatibility so you’ll never find yourself in relationships with people, who push you away, shame or        reject you for who you are
· Identify red flags in relationships so you can avoid entering toxic dynamics, including mates that are not right for you.
· Learn the why behind feeling stuck in relationships that make you miserable so you can breathe freely again
· Discover how to heal past wounds so you can heal your present and future relationships
· Become honest with yourself about your internal truth, including your personal preferences, feelings, thoughts, wants,              needs, and dislikes.

But what if you could live according to your own values, desires, needs, and truths and not end up alone?

It's possible to create deeply satisfying relationships with people who are so compatible with you that you never feel isolated or alone again. But it starts with learning to love and respect yourself enough to set boundaries and live in alignment with your own truth. When you do that, you'll start attracting people into your life who are on the same wavelength as you—people who will support and cherish you for who you are. 

But what if you could live according to your own values, desires, needs, and truths and not end up alone?

Being a Relationships Vault member gives you access to a lot of exclusive relationship content that you won't find on YouTube. But it also gives you the opportunity to connect with other members who are going through the same thing as you.

If you're watching one of the Relationships Vault videos and something comes up for you, don't hesitate to reach out for support in our private Facebook community. There, you'll find people who understand what you're going through and who can offer guidance and advice. So take advantage of this great resource and join the conversation today.

Your life here on this planet will only be as good as the quality of your relationships.

As humans, we are social creatures. We thrive when we have strong, supportive relationships. Conversely, our lives can be quite difficult when our relationships are not going well. This is why it is so important to put effort into developing and maintaining the quality of our relationships.

It is crucial to remember that relationships take work. They require time, effort, and communication. But the rewards are more than worth it. When our relationships are strong, we are happier and more fulfilled individuals.
It is my promise that developing your awareness as to how it is possible to improve your relationship without losing who you are is going to make all the difference in the world. All it takes is curiosity to get started.

Here’s how to use the Relationship Vault:

Imagine this...

You’re in a romantic relationship but something is off
First learn about the type of partners you’re attracted to and how those relationships never really fulfill your needs.
Then you can explore the many different obstacles that come up in your relationships and what you can do break them down.
And then you can explore the many different ways in which you can improve any relationship you have by improving the relationship with yourself.
Before you go ahead and decide that loneliness is better than risking rejection, frustration or getting hurt…

Unlock the gates of love by breaking through relationship misconceptions, fears and toxic patterns…

So you can begin to manifest deep meaningful connections, break the seal of loneliness, and become a match for relationships that are transformational, instead of just okay.
Feel confident about standing up for your needs
Become attuned to your emotions and desires which makes it easier to ask for what you need
Prevent toxic emotional scenarios simply by spotting the tell signs of incompatibility and trauma in others
Manifest new people and relationships that don’t make you feel inferior and constantly afraid of ending up alone

Relationship Vault gives you access to all of Teal’s teachings on healing relationship trauma, fixing incompatibility and developing healthy relationships without losing yourself

Relationship Vault gives you access to all of Teal’s teachings on healing relationship trauma, fixing incompatibility and developing healthy relationships without losing yourself

Claim your lifetime access today to access content that will teach you how to...
  • Feel safe in your relationships
There is nothing that damages relationships or your life experience in general, more so than fear. And there's not a single human being incarnated on this planet that does not have some kind of fear relative to relationships.

This is why most people are confused about exactly how to create a safe relationship. So to avoid the pain of uncertainty and potential loneliness, many people will either stay stuck in toxic relationships or believe that loneliness is better than connection.

You first need to feel safe with yourself, before you can expect safety in a relationship. When you know who you are and what you need, that clarity will reflect in how your relationships unfold, romantic or not.
  • Heal trauma patterns in your relationships
There are no bigger mirrors in this universe than our relationships. If you had an unhealthy situation in your upbringing relative to love, you are very likely to continue to find yourself in the same circumstance again and again.

It’s going to reflect in your friendships, family connections, work dynamics and romantic  relationships. Until you break free from those trauma patterns, your relationships will continue to mirror those past experiences in one way or another.
  • Break the cycle of incompatible partners
When you ask the universe to provide you with a partner it’s not enough to just say “I want to be with Joe”. Yes, the universe has a lot of resources to draw from. We’re more than 7 billion people on Earth. But when you make it specific to one person, you're causing the universe to have to come through a point that is as big as this straw.

Even if it does bring you what you’ve asked for, it might turn out that Joe isn’t the best partner for you. We've all gotten to this point where we think that our happiness can only be satisfied by this one person that we keep dreaming about, that we're totally obsessed with, but then you discover that it’s not a person but a type of person that can meet your needs.

So by learning about incompatibility and discovering what you truly need and desire, you will break the cycle of incompatible partners.
  • Ask for what you want and need without fearing abandonment
One of the most beneficial steps you can take in relationships is to accept that we form relationships because of our needs and desires. We seek to establish a symbiosis whereby the relationship is mutually beneficial. And every relationship is a potential symbiosis. Every relationship offers different needs and lends to our desires.

People want to love you. They just don't know how. And unless you tell them what you want and need, you're not going to get anywhere. You're just going to build up a lot of resentment relative to relationships. You will build up extreme levels of resilience and even though you will remain committed to being in a relationship, you will feel unsatisfied for the rest of your life.

Romantic relationships are not all there is

The biggest problem is that many people see romantic partnership as the only relationship that promises to meet our needs… The only one that will make us happy. The only one in which we can feel secure and establish a sense of guarantee.

As a result, we fail to recognize and we devalue all of the other forms of relationships around us, as well as the plentitude of resources that each one offers us. This causes us to obsessively hunt for our romantic partner as if this relationship is all that matters to us.

And then we put all the pressure on that other person to be the one to meet all of our needs, which is impossible. No one person can meet all of your needs. So it is a set up for disappointment and pain.

Every person (including you) and every type of relationship has so much value to provide. Each one is a powerful resource for something. The question is… Can you recognize that value? Can you recognize that resource? And can you be nourished by it?

Unlock the gates of the universe

The law of attraction is managing and bringing you together with the relationships that serve your expansion. The very most for the moment that you're in this means you can trust the universe to align you with someone who is a fabulous match to all your positive aspects and also a fabulous match to all your not so positive.
If for any reason you are not ecstatic with the Relationship Vault, just let my team know any time with in 60 Days of purchase and we will refund every penny.

Empower yourself with the knowledge to 
strengthen every relationship in your life without hiding who you are

Here’s what you get when you unlock lifetime access to the Relationship Vault today

  • Teal Swan’s entire library of exclusive relationship teachings (11+ hours)
  • ​Content in the form of Ask Teal, Daily Updates, Meditations, workshop moments and more
  • ​Access to a safe and private community of like-minded brave truth-seekers and inner work enthusiasts
  • ​Easy to access from any device
  • ​​100% unconditional money back guarantee in the first 5 days

Start By Loving Yourself…and The Best Way to Love Yourself is to Heal

That is the opposite of what people in the world do today.
We try to become self-sufficient and a fulfilled unit in and of ourselves. But that keeps us alienated, frustrated and isolated. If you do not allow yourself to heal and align with your needs and desires you are defying self love and growth.
We all desire love, connection, support, closeness, intimacy. So, we need to expand our idea of relationships beyond what it is today to really tap into the powerful healing potential of interpersonal connection.
Every relationship is a potential symbiosis. Every relationship offers different needs and lends to our desires, creating the means for your personal evolution.

And your life here on this planet will only be as good as the quality of your relationships.

That is the ultimate mission of the Relationship Vault. 

To give you the tools and guidance to break through the guise of what love is and isn’t, so you can heal your relationship trauma, see beyond fear and begin to attract meaningful relationships with others, romantic and beyond.
And here’s where to start:

You Can Change Your Relationships Today!

You Can Stop the Relationship Patterns that are Causing You Pain and Live With Loving, Safe Support That Energizes You Every Day - Starting Right Now!
Lifetime access for
If you are in a crisis or if you or any other person may be in danger, these  resources can provide you with immediate help (click here).
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